
Partenariat ADIRA

Date(s) et horaire(s)
Le 18 novembre 2020 de 10h à 12h

An initiative from the working group “economic policy” of the upper Rhine conference with the support of the following partners

Context: Industry 4.0 | Digitalization | Technologies

Topics: Robotics, AI, IoT

What if a researcher would be working on a solution that would enable you to develop a truly innovative product?

Our goal is to establish a dialogue between researchers and businesses for innovation by setting up a strong trinational network. Our get-together with researchers specialized in the key areas of industry 4.0 and digitalization will provide an opportunity for new contacts.

The target attendees are:

  • Researchers from the trinational region in Switzerland, Germany and France searching contacts to SMEs to develop tangible and innovative solutions
  • Entrepreneurs from SMEs, large companies, startups from the 3 regions looking for skills and ideas to develop innovative services and products



10:00 Welcome Sébastien Meunier

Chairman of the Expert Committee on Innovation, Upper Rhine Conference / Director Industrial Transformation by Basel Area Business & Innovation

10:10 Keynote “a digitalization approach for recovery and resilience building in the EU” Yves Paindaveine, Ir. EE, Ir. CSE,

Head of Sector, Digitizing European Industry governance

European Commission

Communications Networks, Content & Technology

Artificial Intelligence & Digital Industry – Technologies & Systems for Digitising Industry Unit

10:25 Presentations from their research activities Lhassane Idoumghar, Franz Quint, Georg Rauter
10:55 Workshop, exchange in small group
Group 1-intelligent systems Franz Quint
Group 2-robotic surgery Georg Rauter
Group 3-? Lhassane IDOUMGHAR
11:40 Exchange with the participants Everyboby
11:55 Conclusion Sébastien Meunier
12:00 End of the meeting


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